No matter when or where you travel, there are a list of comforts to consider to make travel as enjoyable as the time spent at your destination.




Beauty/Skin Care Protectants:

Cooler months in most countries can wreak havoc on the skin, making travel sizes of moisturizers lifesavers.  Whether you enjoy luxe brands or drugstore varieties, moisturizers keep your skin well-hydrated and looking its best. During warmer months, sunscreen is your best friend. Lip balm insures supple lips while hand sanitizers and wipes help you to literally have clean fun.




Of course, iphones, tablets, kindles, and chargers are top essentials. But you’ll also want to keep current software and technology tools handy including great playlists, travel apps, best-sellers, and websites about your destination’s people, culture, and language.



Fashion and Accessories:

Though the climate destination may not require lots of warm clothes or long travel times, you don’t want to be cold or have uncomfortable feet while in airports or on airplanes. Easy-to-care-for cardigans and pashminas are great warmers. Loafers and ballet shoes will comfort feet. Several kinds are available in airports.  Travel pillows and small blankets are hygienic as well as comfort-insuring.


What are your travel essentials?