Zim Ugochukwu
Zim Ugochukwu

Writing since Sep 2013 • 18 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Zim is an avid photographer, visual storyteller, classically trained pianist, junk foodie, vegetarian, and occasional building climber. She is the founder & CEO of Travel Noire.
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4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of Solo Travel
4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of Solo Travel
I couldn’t stop myself from crying. But what if my plane crashes and I never see my family again? What if I’m stranded and can’t get help? It was 4...
Membership Has its Benefits
Membership Has its Benefits
We were picked up at the airport and escorted to the Intercontinental Bali . We stepped out of the vehicle to a train of warm greetings from the...
Culinary Masterpieces in Bali
Culinary Masterpieces in Bali
Take one step into the jungle oasis of Viceroy Bali & you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped into an extremely lush paradise. It was 9 am. After taking...
The Perfect Romantic Getaway
The Perfect Romantic Getaway
Nestled in the crescent of a charming Vietnamese region, basking in the glory of secluded seas, Six Senses Ninh Van Bay stands firm, surrounded by...