Kaycee Brock
Kaycee Brock

Writing since Dec 2014 • 3 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Kaycee is from Atlanta and currently lives in Harlem where she serves in the education field while pursuing a doctoral degree. When she received her passport, she made a promise to herself to travel abroad at least once a year by any means necessary. So far, so good! Her favorite places in the world so far are Amsterdam, Istanbul and Martha's Vineyard. Kaycee is an adventure seeker who loves to cook, write and make epic foodie finds in NYC and around the world. You can follow her on Instagram @StampsNCurls or www.stampsncurls.com
The Highs and Lows of an Adventure Trip
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Why Everyone Should Visit Granada, Spain
Why Everyone Should Visit Granada, Spain
I was having a bit of a quarter-life crisis. As my social media timeline flooded with photos of babies and weddings, I considered doing something...
Breaking Bad in Albuquerque
Breaking Bad in Albuquerque
When I stepped off of the plane in Albuquerque, it was my second time visiting the Southwestern city. I just knew I had to return after a work trip...