Joke Karibo
Joke Karibo

Writing since Oct 2013 • 8 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Joke is a globe-trotting, foodie, 'Scandal' obsessed Afropolitan who speaks five languages. Working in the publishing industry in the city of London, she travels the globe as often as possible looking for new adventures.
Six natural wonders along the Yucatan Peninsula
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Your Local Guide to Copenhagen
Your Local Guide to Copenhagen
I lived in Copenhagen for many years (I am now based in London), but I never really thought about a great list of things to do in Copenhagen....
Getting To Grips With Delhi
Getting To Grips With Delhi
India is a massive country, so to say I’ve seen India would not be exactly accurate, but I will say I’ve seen Delhi. Most travelers to India start...
Three Days in Berlin
Three Days in Berlin
On my recent long weekend trip to Berlin I wanted to discover what the city had to offer. I only had three days so this meant good walking shoes, U...
Eclectic Singapore
Eclectic Singapore
As I reflect on my travels in 2013, my trip to Singapore in July 2013 really stands out. It was eye opening and surprising. To be honest, I was...