Glynn Pogue
Glynn Pogue

Writing since Oct 2014 • 5 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Glynn Pogue is a writer and dreamer from Brooklyn, NY. Following her graduation from Howard University last year, she ditched corporate opportunities in favor of adventure, and signed up for the Peace Corps. Glynn is now serving her 27-month commitment in Cambodia, where she eats fried tarantulas, bargains in the market like a pro and teaches English and fine arts to high schoolers. In her down time, she jets off to exotic Southeast Asian locales on cheap flights, crowded buses and overnight trains. An unapologetic wanderluster, she draws inspiration from the people she meets in her travels; their foods, languages, personal styles and stories. Follow her journey on instagram at @yungvogue.
Savoring Singapore's Melting Pot
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Singapore in 24 Hours
Singapore in 24 Hours
I knew little about Singapore, a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia, before taking off to spend a couple of days there with...
Eating your Veggies in Bali, Indonesia
Eating your Veggies in Bali, Indonesia
Only about 1 percent of the US population follows a vegan diet of no meat, eggs or dairy products, but if you spend any time in Bali, eating vegan...
Shine On: In Search of Cambodia’s Blessed Waist Beads
Shine On: In Search of Cambodia’s Blessed Waist Beads
I’m from Brooklyn, and I know bling, so it didn’t take me long to spot the shimmer peeking out from around the waists of the Khmer people in my...
Where to Ball in Bali
Where to Ball in Bali
I should start this article with full disclosure: I have watched the movie Eat, Pray, Love starring Julia Roberts at least 10 times. I’m especially...