
Writing since Jun 2014 • 4 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Carille is an aspiring photographer, an absentee architect, an impulsive traveler and a good samaritan. When she is not obsessing about rugby or managing life saving logistical needs for work, she is avidly trying to explore the 4 corners of the world. To date, she's been to 39 different countries! You can follow her latest travel faux pas' on Twitter: @carille1, view her attempts at capturing daily life on Instagram: @carille1 or on her website:
An American In Cuba
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Why I Love Backpacking
Why I Love Backpacking
I think many people have misconceptions about who backpackers are and what we do. The stereotype in America is that backpackers are a bunch of...
Is Solo Travel Safe?
Is Solo Travel Safe?
Solo travel is not for everyone.  If the thought of going to your local movie theater alone gives you hives from anxiety, then you’re probably not...
How to Choose a Volunteer Vacation
How to Choose a Volunteer Vacation
What’s a volunteer vacation? A volunteer vacation is when you donate your time and money to help out a worthy cause. In exchange for your...