Brittany Walters
Brittany Walters

Writing since Mar 2014 • 5 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Brittany is an optimistic idealist, culture junkie, epicurean foodie, and a lover of anything deemed a bargain. From Houston, Texas, she is a registered nurse by trade, gregarious by reputation, and rarely bored. She is always down for a spontaneous venture, anything that promotes preventative health, and really well made martinis. Brittany aspires to one day be a humanitarian focusing on eradicating global human trafficking.
How To Spend Five Days In Sydney, Australia
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Why Setting Travel Goals Is Essential To Seeing More Of The World
Why Setting Travel Goals Is Essential To Seeing More Of The World
I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions. Well…scratch that: I don’t call them resolutions. I prefer to call them goals and I often keep...
"Calling Standby Passenger..."
"Calling Standby Passenger..."
When people discover that my mother works for a major airline, the first question they ask is, “Does she have any buddy passes she wants to sell?”...
Packing Lightly
Packing Lightly
Normally when I travel, it is never for an extended period of time. I am a master of the extremely condensed getaway. My last two trips to...
Pure Panama
Pure Panama
I was only in Panama for three days but it was love at first sight. Stepping outside the air conditioned walls of the airport in Panama City, I...