Yayne Hailu
Yayne Hailu

Writing since Nov 2014 • 3 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Yayne is a digital journalist and a global health consultant based in New York City. A true nomad at heart, she has lived everywhere from Côte d'Ivoire to Brazil, from Oregon to Addis Ababa. When she's not traveling and experiencing life through her passport, she is passionately merging her creativity with social good.
Eating Your Way Through Addis Ababa
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How to do New Orleans in 72 Hours
Cities like New Orleans or Miami are known to be popular with weekenders. They boast a vibrant party scene and a lax drinking culture that attract...
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7 Hidden Gems of New York City
From Times Square to the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City has a lot to offer a traveler. But the true beauty of the city is hidden in long forgotten...