Nicole Grimes
Nicole Grimes

Writing since Dec 2013 • 8 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Education is my love but travel is my soulmate. I cannot live without either. Hence, I travel often and it’s always intense. Jam-packed. Not much sleep happens and I return home to New York with hundreds of photos. Amongst those moments captured, you will rarely find pool or beach pics, happy folks with brews in hand.. Instead, to some of my friends dismay, there are endless photos of buildings, bridges, towers, churches, monuments, signs, terrain, animals etc. When I am away, I am eager to consume everything around me. I refuse to spend one waking moment seated in a hotel room or lobby passing valuable time.. Hopefully, this totally geeky travel maniac can provide some helpful tips and insights for you fellow travelers out there.
How To Make Money As An Airbnb Host
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Flying Etihad Airways: What You Need To Know
Flying Etihad Airways: What You Need To Know
  I recently returned to the United Arab Emirates for a quick vacation with friends. My first trip to Dubai two years ago was a solo one and thus...
7 Ways to Travel Europe for Cheap
7 Ways to Travel Europe for Cheap
Europe continues to be a favored destination for many world travelers – from the newbies to the returnees. If you’ve been fortunate to have visited...
Travel to Transgress
Travel to Transgress
In her first seminal book on education, bell hooks, a fierce feminist writer and insurgent Black intellectual, reminds us to rethink teaching and...
5 Stunning Sights in Arizona
5 Stunning Sights in Arizona
Arizona, the 6th largest state in the US is home to some of the most breathtaking views in the world. While the state is best known for...