Maurica R
Maurica R

Writing since Sep 2014 • 2 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Maurica hates to write her own bios and usually pays other people to write them for her. She finds it very hard to be eloquent about being a Florida native, a graduate of Louisiana State University with a bachelor's degree in music education, a professional singer, a former elementary music teacher, a photographer (, founder of, dancer, actress, guitarist, pianist, yoga teacher, personal trainer, scuba diver, skydiver, and an expert packer. She is allergic to writing in the third person.
An Adventure Traveler's Epic 48 Hours In Hawaii
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Black Diving Chronicles
Black Diving Chronicles
I have always wanted to be a mermaid (mostly because of the popular 1980’s movie Splash starring Tom Hanks). I imagined mermaids swimming around a...