Chantal Blake
Chantal Blake

Writing since Oct 2014 • 9 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Chantal Blake is a Jamaican-American writer from New York City. A frequent traveler since birth, she married a fellow nomad and has been living abroad since 2008. In spite of her background in environmental engineering, her work abroad has included teaching English, travel writing, and raising two amazing kids. Her writing has been featured online and in-print and covers themes of family travel, veganism, and migration.
Bandung: An Escape from Jakarta, Indonesia's Capital City
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48 Hours in Kastamonu
48 Hours in Kastamonu
After visiting Istanbul , Konya , and Cappadocia , you’re probably ready to unplug. A short retreat to Northern Turkey’s Black Sea region is your...
5 Vegan-Friendly Cuisines Around the World
5 Vegan-Friendly Cuisines Around the World
When it comes to vegan travel, no two countries are alike. In some destinations, vegan and vegetarian dining is code for wealthy, first-world folks...
24 Hours in Konya
24 Hours in Konya
“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?” ― Rumi If you’ve...
Cooking for a Cause in Marrakech
Cooking for a Cause in Marrakech
Morocco’s “Red City” has been attracting visitors from around the world for decades. Once a popular trading hub, Marrakech has become a must-see...