You can always count on us to find you some of the best travel deals around. As of today, Delta Airlines is advertising nonstop flights from Atlanta to San Juan, Puerto Rico for as low as $110 roundtrip. WOW!

These low price flights are available for those who can travel in the month of December. The dates are limited, but it’s worth it at this price.

We searched using 12/8-12/13. We were able to find the lowest price on Priceline but there may be additional options via Google Flights.

Keep in mind that this deal is part of Delta’s basic economy fare. The following restrictions apply:

  • You are limited to one carry-on bag and one personal item only. Checked bags are an additional fee.
  • You cannot select your seat prior to check-in.
  • You cannot make changes to the ticket or upgrade it once purchased.

Otherwise, you will have all other accommodations that those in regular economy seating have.

San Juan offers something for everyone. Start by walking the cobblestone roads filled with colorful colonial homes in Old San Juan. Snap a picture in front of the mural of the nation’s flag.

Relax at one of the many beautiful beaches and try some watersports. If you are into nature, check out El Yunque rainforest for a hike and impressive waterfalls. You could also do a self-guided tour.

Lastly, be sure to indulge yourself in authentic Puerto Rican cuisine. A must-try dish is Mofongo, a mound of plantains into which seafood, meats, and vegetables are added.

Related: What It Means To Be Black In Puerto Rico