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Angel Chung Cutno

Writing since Dec 2014 • 1 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Angel was born to a mother from South Korea and a father from South Louisiana. Their true love for each other was larger than the oceans that physically separated them. When they were reunited in the US and Angel was born, they immediately packed her up and filled the first 3 years of her life with extensive cross-country and international travel. Since that time, Angel has been infected with the wanderlust bug and has traveled the world alone even to the most remote island in the world: Easter Island. In several of the countries where Angel has been, her time mostly consisted of volunteer work or teaching which is also what she does locally. Angel is highly involved in her community through various organizations, non-profits, community groups, and the art and music scene. Today, she still has grand dreams of travel and meeting people of all cultures while bringing purpose and intention to every trip and new conversation with her future potential friends. #angeltakesflight
Alone on Easter Island