As parents, this has been the year of “the pivot”. From learning how to transition to online school to keeping our children safe from invisible threats, we have had to get creative in our approach and adjust based on what works best for us and our families. Halloween this year will undoubtedly look much different than ever before.  With COVID-19 cases rising across the country and the CDC recommending that people stay home, you may be at a loss for how or if your kids should celebrate Halloween this year. Here are some suggestions.

At the end of the day, it’s the costume and candy that make Halloween so exciting for kids. One mom in Los Angeles plans on having her kids dress up in their costumes and partake in a scavenger hunt to find candy treats hidden throughout the house. You could end the hunt with a “pot of gold” treasure chest with lots of the kid’s favorites candies.

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Like so many things this year, Halloween could easily be moved to the virtual space. With a little planning, one mom in Denver is planning a Halloween party via Zoom with all of her son’s friends. There will be a costume contest, dance party, and game of “spooky” charades to round out the night of fun.

Hand-to-hand trick or treating may be out this year, but with a little creativity and engineering, you can still give out candy at a safe distance. One family in upstate New York plans on creating a “candy shoot” from their upstairs window. As trick or treaters stop by, they will deliver candy via a tube that will shoot the treats to the trick or treaters below.

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There is nothing wrong with keeping Halloween between you and your “quaranteam” this year, as one family in Chicago plans to do. Their kids will only be visiting the homes of family and close friends in their neighborhood who they have designated as part of their “quaranteam” since March. Sometimes peace of mind is the most important thing.