10 Essentials for a Hurricane Emergency Kit

By michael vivar

Hurricane season in the United States begins in June, but peak time for the most severe storms is between August and October.

NOAA has predicted 20 named storms for the 2024 season. It’s crucial to be prepared with these essentials for a hurricane emergency kit.

The suggested amount of water to keep on hand in a hurricane emergency is one gallon of water per day per person. Additional stores are recommended for sanitation.


At least a week’s supply of non-perishable food should be stocked. Be sure to support the full range of nutritional needs including whole grains, proteins and fruit.


Many people who believe they’ve prepared with a generous supply of canned goods have found themselves without a can opener or experience using it.

Manual Can Opener

Humans have an instinct to fear darkness. Matches and candles are short-term solutions. Flashlights and spare batteries should be on hand for longer-lasting emergencies.

Light Source

Injuries may be a factor in all stages of a hurricane emergency. A first aid kid should include antiseptic, bandages essential medications and a suture/sewing supplies.

First Aid Kit

Information is invaluable during any emergency. A radio that can pick up NOAA and local radio broadcasts will provide safety updates. Some models can even charge mobile devices.

Battery-Powered or Hand-Cranked Transistor Radio

A handheld CB radio should ideally be kept for communication in case phone networks fail. Otherwise, keep mobile phones fully charged.

Mobile Communication Device

Everyone should have a pocket multitool on hand for general household use. In addition to pricier, name brands like Leatherman and Victorinox, less expensive models are available.


So many people depend on mobile devices to get around. Keep up-to-date, hard copy maps in case electronic resources are unavailable.

Local Maps

A go-bag is essential in case sheltering in place becomes untenable. Every emergency item listed here should be already packed for worst case scenarios.

Durable, Waterproof Backpack

Cliches are cliched for a reason. An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure.

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