By michael vivar
Despite the many natural and manmade wonders around the globe, figures show 16% of US residents have never left their home state.
International travel numbers are even more stark. A 2023 Pew Research poll indicates as many as 26% of Americans have never left the country.
It's not a lack of interest. 51% of US citizens have valid passports with an upward trend. Here are the requirements and steps to obtain the necessary travel documentation.
Only US citizens can get a US passport. Proof includes an original and copy of a valid birth certificate or a Certificate of Naturalization/Citizenship.
Valid corroborating IDs for passport application include a current driving license, government employment/military ID or Native American tribal ID with photo.
It's strongly advised to have photocopies of all evidentiary documentation. These should be in black and white on 8.5" x 11" plain paper.
Passport application photos have certain mandates (color, 2" x 2", no glasses, avoid smiling). Photos can be taken at issuing sites or companies that provide the service.
Adults applying for a first-time passport must fill out a DS-11 form and pay a fee. Check the US State department website for current requirements regarding both.
If travel is in more than three weeks, facilities such as a post office or library will guide the final steps. If less, a passport agency appointment is mandatory.
Check the US State Department website for current forms and fees for renewal. Sending in the old valid or expired passport will be necessary.
"Travel far enough, you meet yourself." — Helen Keller, Activist for social justice and the disabled