15 Geography Trivia Questions on Cities and Landmarks 

By ashley nash baltazar

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Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

Traveling the world allows you to learn about people, places and cultures. Here is the ultimate geography trivia test for well-versed adventurers. 

a church with a gold and white alter

What's the oldest European country? What is the smallest independent country in the world by area? What is the most populated city in Europe?

Trivia Questions About Europe

The oldest European country is Bulgaria. Vatican City is the world's smallest independent country. Berlin is Europe's most populous city.

Which river is the longest in the world?  Which African country has the largest population?  Where are the pyramids of Giza?

Trivia Questions About Africa

The Nile River is the world's longest. Nigeria is Africa's most populous country. The pyramids are in beautiful Egypt.

Where does the Christ the Redeemer statue stand? Which country is home to Machu Picchu?  What is the highest waterfall?

Trivia Questions About Latin America

Proudly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Peru is Machu Picchu's home. Angel Falls in Venezuela.

Mount Rushmore features the faces of how many former presidents? Where is the Grand Canyon? Where can you find the Hollywood sign?

Trivia Questions About North America

Four icons are on Mount Rushmore. Arizona is the Grand Canyon's home. Snap photos with the iconic sign in Los Angeles, California.

What is the continet's most populated city? What dynasty birthed The Great Wall of China? Where is the Taj Mahal located?

Trivia Questions About Asia

Japan is Asia's most populous country. The Ming Dynasty. The Taj Mahal sits in Agra, India.

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