Black people have come up in many different ways over the years. We thrive in numerous industries like film, entrepreneurship, STEM, and more. You would think that would apply to the travel industry as well, right?

Writing for Travel Noire, I’m so proud of the beautiful black people who have been featured stamping their passports and making a significant mark around the world. While most are celebrating the black girl or boy magic that is constantly being produced, others are, well, still living in dark times.

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Over the weekend, the following tweet popped up on my timeline. Frankly, it annoyed me to no end.

In what world is this statement correct? Immediately, I hoped that people would see how false the tweet was and would educate the author. I was right. People from all over jumped at the opportunity to correct him. It was especially heartening to see the corrections, after another Twitter user decided to use say that black people do nothing but smoke and travel to places like Myrtle Beach, Miami or Las Vegas.

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While there is nothing wrong with traveling to those cities, black people have definitely traveled all across the globe. A lot of the stories written for TN tell the tales of black expats who are living their absolute best lives by traveling both internationally and domestically. We also have pieces that highlight black men and women who have created platforms for people of color to be able to travel, like David McC, who created several Instagram pages and brands to encourage black men to see the world. Or Charlotte Simpson, a retired guidance counselor from Indianapolis, who has visited all 50 states and over 80 countries.

There have been plenty of stories circulating that even explain how one can live their best live stateside or in a different country of their choice.

RELATED: 11 Influential Black Women In Travel You Should Know

We will continue to travel and places our mark wherever we go, leaving a trail of magic for the next beautiful black person to explore.