The couple that travels together…well, that’s not an official saying, but I’m sure couples that travel together have way more fun than those that don’t. I know from personal experience that maintaining a relationship (in my case, a long distance relationship) can be overwhelming for even the most committed couple, but making time to travel together can help to make your bond unbreakable Here are a few pointers for long distance lovers, and anyone in a relationship, on how to use travel to guide you and your significant other into a vibrant future.

The Queen B – Budget, budget, budget. It is vital for young lovers and young travelers to be prudent and strategic with money. Long distance relationships require more of a financial sacrifice than most relationships, but prove to be mutually beneficial for the couple that seeks unique experiences over flowers and chocolate. Be sure to have honest and open conversations about what’s in your wallet so there are no false expectations.

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Find Magic Wherever You Are  – Even the most seemingly dull locations have their niche. Try to eat and live like locals wherever you go, and take day trips as much as possible. Take time and explore what’s available in your area through apps like Yelp and create a shareable calendar together. Explore quaint beaches in New England while scarfing down lobster rolls or have a hurricane (or 3) in New Orleans. Every place is known for something, you just have to ask.

Share Your World – For those in long distance relationships, being distant from your lover can be an emotional strain. Try to schedule consistent time for communication to make your partner feel like they are a part of your environment. Exchange pictures and videos of friends and workplaces and don’t forget to send a nostalgic souvenir for special occasions.

Plan Ahead – Every 6 months sit down as a couple (in person or via webcam) and try to make a tentative travel agenda around things like events and holidays. It may seem far off, but the time passes quickly. Planning and budgeting also help you have realistic expectations for your partner so there is less room for disappointment.

Let Go And Let Love– Relationships are personal and function differently for every couple. Remember that distance does not determine a healthy love life. It can be discouraging having someone so dear to your heart so far away. Still, loving someone means wanting him or her to be their absolute best no matter what. In some ways, being in a long distance relationship early in life can be the best of both worlds. You can both pursue the unscripted paths of your passions guilt-free and still arrive at the same destination, together.