As the year comes to an end, we start working less and hitting the road more to celebrate this festive season. Many of us will be packing our cars with luggage and our loved ones and embarking on a road trip. 

While having the right music and snacks are essential elements of a good road trip, staying safe is the ultimate flex.

Here are 20 tips for staying safe on your next road trip during this busy travel season. 

Have A Checklist

Before starting your journey, it’s important that your car is in good standing. Make a checklist to ensure your lights, windows, wipers, tires, brakes, fluids, battery, heat…etc. are working. 

Once everything is in good shape, you can hit the road. 

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While On The Road

The holiday season is the time of year when it’s crucial to not speed. According to the World Health Organization, driving the speed limit can reduce fatalities by almost 40%. 

It can be easy to get distracted, but make sure you always have your eyes on the road and are mindful of the other vehicles on the road with you. 

Do not drink and drive. It doesn’t matter if you think you can handle yourself after having a drink — you can’t, so don’t. 

Always stop at a stop sign. Sometimes we may think no other cars are around, so we slowly keep driving but it’s better to stop and look both ways, ensuring safety for everyone around. 

Do not use your phone while driving. This includes texting, scrolling Instagram, tweeting…etc. This seemingly small distraction can cause you to lose your life. 

Drive in the correct lane according to the speed you’re driving. 

Always use your indicator when changing lanes and make sure to look at your blind spots. 

Remember to drive with your lights on when it’s raining or snowing — even if you’re driving in broad daylight. 

Don’t drive with your bright lights on unless it’s necessary. 

What If I Get Tired?

If you’re tired, rest. It’s important to rest for at least 7 hours before going on a road trip. 

If you can, avoid traveling during the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., when your body is in rest mode. 

Stop for breaks during your long-distance drive. Stop at gas stations and stretch your legs, use the bathroom and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 

Stay away from sugary and fatty snacks because it can actually make you feel lethargic. Instead eat nutritious, healthy snacks to give you fuel to continue on your journey. 

What If My Car Breaks Down Or I Get In An Accident?

If your car breaks down, turn your hazard lights on and try to stop in the emergency lane. 

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Always be sure that your car is in plain sight. If you do end up in a dangerous spot, get out of the car and walk to the side of the road although it is ideal to stay in your car with the doors locked. Call for assistance. 

Sharing The Road With Bikes And Heavy-Duty Vehicles

If you’re driving behind a large truck and you can’t see their mirrors, then they can’t see you. It’s vital to make sure you can see their mirrors. 

A tractor-trailer needs two lanes to turn so be mindful not to drive too close in distance.

Do not cut in front of large trucks because it takes them a long distance to stop.