2014 is just around the corner! As the busy holiday season and 2013 come to a close, some of us look to the fast approaching year to start anew. While many of us may shy away from making concrete resolutions, you at least look forward to a new year, new outlook and a better you.  Maybe you’d like to hit the gym more often, finally get around to organizing that attic or just spend a little more time with your loved ones. No matter what aspect of your life you wish to nurture, don’t forget to include your travel resolutions too!  How would you like to become a better traveler in the New Year?  To help get you started, the Travel Noire Curators are sharing some of their aspirations for 2014, in hopes inspiring each other and YOU to reach for those wanderlust dreams!

“In 2014, I will be a tourist in my own city.” – Christen


“I want to sit in a French countryside and write the most deeply emotional lyrics I can think up.” – Fedorah


“…sit atop the Andean Mountain range in Peru at Machu Picchu.” –  Dr. Grimes


“… travel somewhere that completely takes me out of my comfort zone, somewhere completely unlike any other places I have been.” – Cynthia


“…to visit the most sacred city in the world: Jerusalem.”- Aylin


I would like to write at least one book related to my travel experiences.”- Taiwanda


“I hope to swim in the ‘Devil’s Pool’ at the edge of Victoria Falls in Africa!”-Sonjia


“…to go months without speaking English”- Jelisa


“…Samba with strangers on the streets of Rio De Janiero.” – Modupe


“…climb Kilimanjaro.” – Ruky


I WILL travel somewhere to experience my first Formula 1 race.”- Nailah


“… to be fluent in Spanish after my Spanish course in Malaga.”- Moni


“…visit our nation’s greatest destinations, from the Grand Canyon to Mount Rushmore.” Cameron 


I hope to get selected for a faculty position on Semester at Sea!”- LaTanya


“… to travel further in my Central American region…”- Aaliyah


 Meditate and do yoga at sunrise and sunset in Bali.” –Ebony


“…visit my 10th country, set foot on my 5th continent, and to make it to my 30th state.” –Njaimeh


Do you have any traveling resolutions? Book a one-way ticket?  Kiss a traveling stranger?  Volunteer abroad? If so, sound off below! Tell us all about it!