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Joshua J. Pinkay
Joshua J. Pinkay

Writing since Jun 2023 • 1 stories contributed

Travel Noire Staff
Joshua J. Pinkay, is the Branded Editorial Production Manager for Blavity, Inc. and the Senior Editor for OBVIOUS Magazine. Joshua has positioned his platforms as a means to be a face of representation for a large group of marginalized individuals in America. He believes that if he can use his platform to be an example of what people from the LGBTQ+ community with immigrant backgrounds can do in this country, then more people can have a positive outlook on finding their own voice in America. Work/words featured in TIME, ThriveGlobal, La Nueva Link, For(bes) The Culture, TMZ, Enspire Magazine, and more.
Embracing Roots, Womanhood, and African Heritage: Gabrielle Union's "My Journey to 50" on BET+